It’s Time for A Change

7 October 2009

I know this has been said too many times, and in fact was a call to action in the recent elections, which of course we experience the result of this week with President Obama’s inauguration. However, I’d like to add thoughts to a perspective that may not receive as much attention as our current economic crisis, international embarrassments, or our dependence on foreign oil, and that is this- astrologically, it is time for a change as well.

Astrology is an important lens with which to view the world from the perspective of depth psychology because like all cultural traditions there is something to be learned from it. A foundational principle of depth psychology is “as above, so below.” Basically, this means that things reflect each other. Thus we have discussed symbols being reflective of inner dynamics, and so too can the planets be reflective of what is going on inside an individual, as well as a culture. Astrology has survived for over two thousand years, and that fact alone makes it important to understand its language, in my perspective.

Astrologically speaking, the years of 2007-2012 are extremely important years. Interestingly, the acknowledgment of these dates as a critical time period coincides with many other traditions, such as the Mayan calendar.

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